September, 2017

05sepAll Day07ASCOBANS Advisory Committee NAMMCO proposal on harbour porpoises


Event Details

ASCOBANS, Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas, will hold its 23d Advisory Committee meeting at Le Conquet, France, on 5-7 September. See more information on the meeting here.

As it uses to do, NAMMCO will observe the 23d Advisory Committee (AC) meeting.

NAMMCO invitation to ASCOBANS to a joint review of North Atlantic harbour porpoises

Following the will of NAMMCO 24 and 25th Council to increase cooperation with organisations involved in the conservation of marine mammals to better understand and conserve them in these times of Climate and Environmental Changes, NAMMCO will propose ASCOBANS AC to join forces for reviewing the status of North Atlantic harbour porpoise stocks and the threats, direct and indirect, impacting their conservation. By-Catch in fisheries and contaminants are the two most important threats with regards to harbour porpoise conservation in European waters, with unreliable estimation of by-catch rate in most areas and already described reproductive dysfunction linked to high contaminants levels.


September 5 (Tuesday) - 7 (Thursday)


Parc naturel marin d'Iroise, Pointe de Renards

Le Conquet, France


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