Agreements & Governing Documents

The documents and agreements in this section govern the running of the organisation. As a collection these documents cover everything from the creation of NAMMCO as a legal entity to the day to day running of the Secretariat, Committees and Working Groups.


NAMMCO Agreement – signed 1992

Host country Agreement NAMMCO and Norway – signed 2000


Nuuk Declaration NAMMCO 25 April 2017

International Cooperation

Letter of Agreement on scientific cooperation NAMMCO-ICES – 2011

Memorandum of Understanding for scolary and scientific cooperation NAMMCO-Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS) – 2022

Letter of Intent on project-based cooperation NAMMCO-JAPAN – 2023

Rules of Procedures

Rules of Procedure Council – revised 2024

Rules of Procedure Management Committees – revised 2024

Rules of Procedure Scientific Committee – revised 2024

Rules of Procedure Committee on Hunting Methods – revised 2024

Rules of Procedure Committee on Inspection and Observation – revised 2022

Rules of Procedure Finance and Administration Committtee – revised 2024

Rules of Procedure Joint Scientific Working Group between NAMMCO and the Joint Canada Greenland Commission on Narwhal and Beluga as of 2016

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference Management Committee Working Group on Enhancing User Involvment in NAMMCO Decision Making

Other Rules and Guidelines

Financial Rules and Instruction – adopted by NAMMCO 29, September 2022

Staff Rules – version June 2022

Guidelines for staff participation to field work

Guidelines for Observers – list revised March 2023

Principles for integrating a precautionary approach and prioritising assessments – adopted at NAMMCO 30, March 2023

NAMMCO Observation Scheme

Provision of the NAMMCO Observation Scheme

Communication and Outreach

NAMMCO Communication and Outreach Strategy – adopted 2017

NAMMCO Communication Plan 2017-2018 – endorsed 2017

NAMMCO Communication Plan 2019-2020 – endorsed 2019

NAMMCO Communication Plan 2023-2024 – endorsed 2022

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