Narwhal and Beluga Meeting Reports

Here you will find the meeting reports of Scientific Working Groups, Workshops, and Symposia on narwhal and beluga.

You will find past and upcoming meeting documents of past and upcoming here.


The Ad hoc Working Group on Narwhal in East Greenland, December 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark


Disturbance Workshop of the Joint NAMMCO-JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, December 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark


Joint NAMMCO-JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, December 2021, Winnipeg, Canada

The Ad hoc Working Group on Narwhal in East Greenland, October 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark


Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, October 2020, Online (Note: This report has been reviewed by NAMMCO but not by the JCNB as the JCNB has not met in 2020 or hitherto in 2021).


The Ad hoc Working Group on Narwhal in East Greenland, September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark


Global Review of Monodontids, March 2017, Hillerød, Denmark

Main Report Global Review of Monodontids, March 2017, Hillerød, Denmark

Annexes – Stock Status Reviews Global Review of Monodontids, March 2017, Hillerød, Denmark

Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, March 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark


NAMMCO Symposium on the Impacts of Human Disturbance on Arctic marine mammals, with a focus on Belugas, Narwhals & Walrus, October 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, March 2015, Ottawa, Canada

Note that the Narwhal Catch Allocation Sub-group met twice, 10-12 March 2014 in Denmark and 9-10 March 2015 in Canada. Reports from these meetings comprise Appendix 5 of the Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group report listed above.


Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, February 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark


Workshop on Age Estimation in Beluga, December 2011, Beaufort, North Carolina, USA

Workshop on Age Estimation in Monodontids, November 2011, Tampa, Florida, USA


Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, February 2009, Winnipeg, Canada


Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, October 2005, Nuuk, Greenland


Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, February 2004, Montréal, Canada


Joint NAMMCO/JCNB Working Group on Narwhal and Beluga, May 2001, Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland

The below meetings pre-date the cooperation between NAMMCO and the JCNB’s scientific working groups


Working Group on the Population Status of Beluga and Narwhal in the North Atlantic, June 2000, Oslo, Norway


Working Group on the Population Status of Beluga and Narwhal in the North Atlantic, March 1999, Oslo, Norway

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