13 November 2019: The Report of the AEWG is Now Available

The Abundance Estimates Working Group (AEWG) met in October, tasked with finalising estimates from recent cetacean surveys in the Northeast Atlantic.

At this meeting, the Working Group discussed and finalised abundance estimates from the NASS survey in 2015, the CIC (coastal Iceland) aerial surveys, and the Norwegian mosaic surveys spanning a period from 2002-2018. There is now only one estimate that remains to be done – killer whales in Iceland/Faroes.

The full report of the AEWG meeting is available here.

Several of the estimates will also be published as articles within Volume 11 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series, some of which are already available.

The next NASS is scheduled to take place in 2023 and we look forward to generating a whole new series of abundance estimates after this!

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