19th November 2019: SC 26 report now available.
The 26th meeting of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee (SC) was held from 29 October – 1 November in Tórshavn (Faroe Islands) under the chairmanship of Bjarni Mikkelsen. Attending the meeting were scientists from all four NAMMCO countries, as well as observers from Japan.
Among the items discussed were the reports of the Working Groups on Abundance Estimates (AEWG), harp and hooded seals (WGHARP), harbour porpoises (HPWG), and narwhal in east Greenland (NEGWG). In addition to discussing these working group reports, the SC also provided an overview of the management procedures and stock assessment methods used, as well the management areas/sub-areas of direct relevance to NAMMCO. The committee also reviewed the recommendations made by the 2018 performance review and prioritised relevant items for action.
The report from this meeting is now available and accessible here.