29 September 2021: Extension of Deadline for Submissions for Volume 12
NAMMCO is please to announce that the deadline for submissions for publication in Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publication series has been extended to December 31st 2021.

About NAMMCO Scientific Publications
NAMMCO Scientific Publications (NSP) is a free, open access, peer-reviewed academic journal established to make scientific knowledge relevant for the conservation and management of marine mammals widely available. It has a particular interest in publishing work that, despite its central importance for assessment and management, may be difficult to publish in other journals due to its apparent routine nature or lack of novelty (e.g. baseline or monitoring work). Previous volumes of NSP have focused on particular themes, with submissions often invited from global experts in the field. For Volume 12, however, we will have our first open call and welcome submissions on any topic related to marine mammals in the North Atlantic.
Call for Papers
We are calling for papers for publication in Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series. We are interested in work from any discipline with relevance for the conservation and management of marine mammals in the North Atlantic. Submissions can be in the form of original Research Articles, Literature Reviews, Technical or Policy Notes, or Workshop Reports.
Submission, Review & Publication Process
Manuscripts can be submitted online here and to do so, at least one author will need to register as a user.
The Guidelines for Authors are available here. Note that although authors may submit their article in any format they prefer, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, they will need to ensure that it is transferred into the NAMMCO Scientific Publications Template. Authors are therefore also welcome to use this template to structure their initial submission.
Manuscripts submitted as original Research Articles or Literature Reviews will be sent for blind peer review by at least two reviewers. Manuscripts submitted as Notes are not necessarily sent for peer review but will be reviewed by at least the one of the Editors.
If accepted for publication, the manuscript will be published online as soon as it is finalised and authors will therefore not have to wait for the entire volume to be complete before their work is made publicly available.
The new submission deadline for this open call is December 31st 2021.
Should you have any questions about the journal, the open call, or the suitability of your work for the volume, you can contact the Secretariat at nammco-sec@nammco.org or the Associate Editor Heleen Middel at heleen@nammco.org