3 May 2022: New Scientific Secretary
We are pleased to welcome our new Scientific Secretary, Albert Chacón, to the NAMMCO Secretariat.

Albert is from Barcelona (Spain). He has a PhD in Population Ecology (University of Barcelona, 2013) and ample international experience as a researcher in animal population dynamics. Before joining NAMMCO, Albert worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Agder (Norway), quantifying the abundance, survival and spatial ecology of Coastal fish and lobster in and around Marine Protected Areas in Southern Norway. Previously, he also worked at the Institute of Marine Research (Norway), the University of Oviedo (Spain) and the Non-profit organization ‘Bretagne Vivante’ (France).
Due to his background in applied ecological research, Albert is strongly interested in the management of natural resources using robust scientific knowledge. In the past, he has been able to determine the role of natural vs. anthropogenic factors on the dynamics of different animal populations, and his findings have led to improvements in the management of harvested species and protected areas, both in Norway and abroad.
Albert moved to Norway with his family in 2018. He has two small children and likes to spend his free time exploring the Norwegian nature with his little family.