30 July 2024: New study on how methodological choices affect the estimation and biological interpretation of life history parameters for harbour porpoises.

Frie and Lindström’s paper is titled: “Exploring the effects of methodological choices on the estimation and biological interpretation of life history parameters for harbour porpoises in Norway and beyond”. It looks at how different research methods affect our understanding of harbour porpoise life history (how individuals of the species grow, survive, and reproduce over time). The study points out that different techniques for estimating age and reproductive status can lead to inconsistent and sometimes biased results.

For example, the research shows that methods like counting growth layers in teeth, which is used for age estimation, can give different outcomes depending on how the analysis is done. That, in turn can impact the calculation of many other life history parameters. These differences are important because they affect how scientists interpret biological data and make conservation recommendations.

By examining these methodological differences, challenges, and errors in the study of harbour porpoises, the study suggests ways to improve the accuracy and consistency of their life history data. This is crucial for better understanding and conserving harbour porpoises.

You can read the full article by Frie and Lindström here.

Photo credit: Peter Duley / NOAA Fisheries

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