Jana Djukarić
Jana is from Germany and recently acquired her M.Sc. in Marine Biology from Stockholm University. She formed interests in conservation, species distribution modelling and the impact of [...]
Protected: JWG-Disturbance Workshop, Meeting Documents
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29 September 2022: Recent trends in temporal and geographical variation in blubber thickness of common Minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata) in the Northeast Atlantic
It is our pleasure to announce the publication of a new article published in Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series – Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic. The article Recent [...]
5 September 2022: Meet the new intern
We are happy to welcome our new intern, Jana Djukarić, to the NAMMCO secretariat! Jana is from Germany and recently acquired her M.Sc. in Marine Biology from Stockholm University. She formed [...]
8 August 2022: New publication on pup production of Harp Seals in the Northwest Atlantic in 2017 during a time of ecosystem change
It is our pleasure to announce the publication of a new article published in Volume 12 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series – Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic. The [...]
7 June 2022: New article on marine mammal consumption and fisheries removals in the Nordic and Barents Seas
Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, is the first author of an article co-authored by several other members of the NAMMCO’s Scientific Committee, recently published in [...]