Reports of last week’s meetings of the Management Committees are now available in the library. The meetings were held in Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands, in conjunction with Council’s [...]
Abundance of whales in West and East Greenland in summer 2015 is the second article in the newest volume of the NAMMCO Scientific Publication Series. It was authored by Rikke G. Hansen, Tenna K. [...]
The first article in the newest volume of the NAMMCO Scientific Publication Series is out! The article, titled Estimates of the relative abundance of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) [...]
The report of the 25th meeting of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee is now available on the NAMMCO website. Between the 13th and 16th of November, NAMMCO’s Scientific Committee met aboard the [...]
The holiday season is officially over, and we’re starting off the new year by publishing the final report of October’s By-catch Working Group meeting, to be found here.
We have started working on volume 11 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series, and the first paper (Abundance of Whales in West and East Greenland in Summer 2015) is in the final stages of [...]
The aim of the Working Group was to consider abundance estimates of cetaceans in the North Atlantic, particularly from the most recent NASS in 2015, but also from previous and more recent [...]