Management status of marine mammal stocks in NAMMCO
Management status of marine mammal stocks in NAMMCO
Updated 07/2023
For laws and regulations look here.
Hunting allowed:
- Long-finned pilot whale
- White-sided dolphin
- White-beaked dolphin
- Bottlenose dolphin
- Harbour porpoise
Protected: All other cetacean species and, also around fish farms
Hunting allowed: None
Protected: Grey seals (the only resident species is de facto protected by a combination of regulations), now also around fish farm January 2021.
Hunting allowed:
- From West Greeenland:
- Bowhead whale (quota)
- Fin whale (quota)
- Humpback whale (quota)
- From both West and East Greenland:
- Minke whale (quota)
- Narwhal (quota)
- Beluga (quota)
- Bottlenose whale
- Killer whale
- Pilot whale
- White-sided dolphin
- White-beaked dolphin
- Harbour porpoise
Protected: All other species
Hunting allowed:
- Both from West and East Greenland
- Walrus (quota)
- Hooded seal (but with a very small quota from East Greenland)
- Harp seal
- Ringed seal
- Bearded seal
Protected: Grey seal, Harbour seal
For others seal species:
- lactating females and pup pairs
- pups with lanugo hair (‘white-coats’) – i.e., in practice for harp, ringed, and bearded seals that are species with laguno hair
Hunting allowed:
- Fin whale (quota)
- Minke whale (quota)
Protected: All other species
Hunting: banned in 2019
Protected: All species, including
- Grey seal & Harbour seal, the two resident species
- However, permission can be requested for personal use those two species
Norway excl. Svalbard
Hunting allowed: Minke whale (quota)
Protected: All other cetaceans species
Hunting allowed:
Pack ice hunt
- Harp seal (quota)
- Hooded seal (quota – since 2007 quota=0)
Coastal seals
- Grey seal (quota)
- Harbour seal (quota)
Permission can be granted during special time periods:
- Ringed seal
- Harp seal
Protected: Other seal species. All seals around fish farms
Hunting allowed: Minke whale (quota)
Protected: All other species
Hunting allowed:
Only permitted outside breeding season in the following periods:
- Bearded seal: 01/02-27/04 + 05/06-30/11
- Ringed seal 01/02-20/03 + 20/05 – 30/11
Protected: Walrus
All seals other than bearded and ringed seals are fully protected. During breeding season bearded and ringed seals are also protected.