13 June 2024: New paper “Addressing epistemic injustices in species at risk assessments through improved credibility and legitimacy: case study of narwhal management in Ittoqqortoormiit”

We are pleased to announce the first publication of Volume 13 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series – Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic (II).

The article, “Addressing epistemic injustices in species at risk assessments through improved credibility and legitimacy: case study of narwhal management in Ittoqqortoormiit”, authored by Tanguy Sandré and colleagues, explores the ongoing disagreements over narwhal hunting quotas in East Greenland between scientists and local population.

Interviews with the local population in Ittoqqortoormiit from 2019 to 2023, highlight deep-rooted social and cultural importance of narwhal hunting, beyond its economic benefits. The study finds that the opposition to hunting restrictions by the local population is not just about preserving tradition but also about addressing feelings of exclusion and distrust in the decision-making process. The authors conclude that there is a necessity to recognise local knowledge in decision-making processes to bridge the gap between conservation efforts and the need to secure hunters’ livelihoods, community food security, and respect for the significance of narwhal for the local community.

The full article is available here.

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