Conferences & seminars
Here you will find documents and reports from conferences, seminars and expert group meetings organised by NAMMCO that are not found elsewhere in the library.
NAMMCO Conference and gastronomic showcase: Marine Mammals – A Sustainable Food Resource, October 2022, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Marine Mammal Student Symposium
Expert Meeting on Potential Positive Health Effects of Consuming Whale and Seal Oil, October 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference on User Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge in Management Decision-Making, January 2003, Reykjavík, Iceland
Sealing the Future, November 1997, St Johns Newfoundland
International Conference on Marine Mammals and the Marine Environment, April 1995, Lerwick, Shetland, UK
Seminar on Informed Opinion on the Hunting of Marine Mammals, February 1994, Tromsø, Norway