Coastal Seals Working Group Meeting Documents

Here you will find the meeting documents of past and upcoming meetings of the NAMMCO Coastal Seals Working Group (CSWG). Some of these documents require a password for access. Reports are found here.


The Coastal Seals Working Group (CSWG) will meet the days 8-11 of May at the Greenland Representation in Copenhagen (Denmark), under the Chairmanship of Kjell T. Nilssen (Norway). The Terms of Reference of this meeting are:

 a) To provide a new assessment for grey and harbour seals throughout the North Atlantic.

b) To provide guidelines for responsible removals from small coastal seal stocks.

May 2023 Meeting Documents

01 – Agenda (updated 3rd of May 2023)

02 – List of Participants

03 – List of Documents

Working and For Information documents (password protected)


The 2020 meeting of the Coastal Seals Working Group (CSWG) has been rescheduled to include two meetings in 2021. The first will be a half day online meeting on January 12th. This will be followed by a face-face meeting (if possible) in Copenhagen in November. Both meetings are open to members of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee and invited experts.

The two meetings aim to cover the following agenda items: 1) Assess the status of harbour and grey seal populations in NAMMCO countries and adjacent waters; 2) Assess the status of population modelling for harbour seals; 3) Review new research on ecology and telemetry; 4) Review by-catch issues in NAMMCO countries.

Documents for January 12th Meeting

01 – Draft Agenda (updated 06/01/2021)

02 – Draft List of Participants

03 – Draft List of Documents (updated 11/01/2021)

Working and For Information Documents (password protected and only available to participants) (updated 11/01/2021)

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