Observer training course February 2020
The Committee on Inspection and Observation organised a training course for observers in Hafnafjörður, Iceland from 5 – 7 February 2020. The course was multilingual which is reflected in the presentations published below; English, Norwegian, Danish and a mix of Nordic languages were used in presentations, discussions and conversations. Laws and regulations governing the hunts is found here.
Provisions of the Observation Scheme for hunting of marine mammals in NAMMCO member countries
Faroes Islands
- Hvaler
Fangst av små hvaler – lovgivning, fangstlokaliteter og metoder
Fangst av store hvaler – lovgivning, fangstlokaliteter og metoder
2020 lisenser for fangst av store og små hvaler – zip file
Diverse rapportskema hvaler – zip file
- Sel
White paper on management and utilisation of seals in Greenland April 2012
Addendum to White paper on sealing March 2015
- Hvalros
Fangst av hvalros – lovgivning, fangstlokalitet og metode
Bekentgørelse nr 31 af 14 oktober 2022 om beskytelse av hvalross
Hunting of whales and seals in Iceland
Reguleringer av sel og hval i Norge
Selfangst i vest og øst isen – regelverk, methode, avliving
Vågehvalfangst – regelverk, metode, avliving