After the test shootings of five fin whale tags in Japan in June 2023, the Steering Group decided to change the fin whale tag design for the next tests in August 2023. Kenji Konishi and his team [...]
What is grey, white and pale yellow, likes aerial displays and travels in large groups? Common dolphins! We are happy to announce a brand new species page about one of the most abundant cetaceans [...]
Dear NAMMCO Community, We are pleased to welcome three new members to the Secretariat. These new appointments bring fresh perspectives, diverse expertise, and a deep commitment to marine mammal [...]
The Coastal Seals Working Group (CSWG) met from the 8th to the 11th of May 2023 at the Greenland Representation in Copenhagen, under the Chairmanship of Kjell Tormod Nilssen (IMR, Norway) and [...]
The report of the 30th meeting of the Council, held 29-30 March, Tromsø, Norway, is now available From new technologies and emerging threats to shifting policy [...]
We are excited to announce that the first three fin whale tags of the MINTAG project have been deployed by Steering Group member Kenji Konishi in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk, Japan! In the [...]
We are pleased to announce that the call for papers for Volume 13 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series is now open. For this volume, we are interested in work from any discipline with [...]
The MINTAG project has come a long way and we are happy to present you the designs of the first generation of tags, called V0b tags! Two tags were designed for the first deployment in summer [...]
Background Already during my bachelor’s in environmental science, I learned about NAMMCO and used their species distribution maps in my presentations. The timing was always off to apply for the [...]
The 30th Council Meeting of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) took place the 29th & 30th March, 2023, in Tromsø, Norway. 30 years contributing to a sustainable North Over [...]