NAMMCO Harbour Porpoise Working Group 19-22 March 2019
The Harbour Porpoise Working Group (HPWG) will meet at the Faroes Representation in Copenhagen from 19-22 March 2019 under the Chairmanship of Bjarni Mikkelsen (FO). The meeting is open to members of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee and invited experts.
The HPWG will: a) Conduct an assessment of the sustainability of the harvest of harbour porpoise in West Greenland; b) Review assessments performed in other areas by the NAMMCO Harbour Porpoise Workshop in 2018; c) Identify knowledge gaps and needs for further research; d) Assess impacts from non-hunting related anthropogenic stresses (pollution, climate change, noise etc).
Meeting documents:
01 – Draft Agenda
02 – Draft List of Participants
03 – Draft List of Documents
04 – XX – Working Documents (only available to participants)
For Information Documents: