Scientific Publication Series For authors NAMMCO Guidelines for Authors Manuscript Template for Authors Submit a manuscript Volume 12: Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic Volume 11: Sightings Surveys in the North Atlantic: 30 years of counting whales Volume 10: Age estimation of marine mammals with a focus on monodontids Volume 9: Walrus of the North Atlantic Volume 8: Harbour seals in the North Atlantic and the Baltic Volume 7: North Atlantic Sightings Surveys: Counting whales in the North Atlantic 1987-2001 Volume 6: Grey seals in the North Atlantic and the Baltic Volume 5: Harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic Volume 4: Belugas in the North Atlantic and the Russian Arctic Volume 3: Seal worms in the North Atlantic: Ecology and population dynamics Volume 2: Minke whales, harp and hooded seals: Major predators in the North Atlantic ecosystem Volume 1: Ringed seals in the North Atlantic Scientific Publication Series2022-03-212024-10-29