2 February 2021: Meet our new intern!
We are happy to welcome our new intern, Nicolai Scherdin, to the NAMMCO Secretariat!

During his time with NAMMCO, Nicolai will, among other things, focus on updating the species pages for bearded– and ringed seals as well as conducting a status review on those species.
Nicolai is a Danish MSc Biology student with a broad interest in marine mammals, particularly within the Arctic. Studying the impact of different threats, such as climate change and anthropogenic stressors, especially peaks his interest. His fascination of seals led him to work on a project on the bearded seal population in West Greenland, after which he completed his Bachelor’s degree by writing a thesis on the spatial distribution of bearded seals in the North Water Polynya, the Northeast Water Polynya and West Greenland with a focus on the impact climate change is having on their habitat.
Nicolai loves observing wildlife in its natural habitat, whether that be insects, birds or mammals, and to explore nature around the world – especially if that can be coupled with a long hike and camping. His ambition is to contribute as much as he can to the international research community and ultimately increase our understanding of as many arctic marine mammal species as possible, with the end goal being to secure their welfare in the future.
Find more information about how to become an intern here.