To find out more about how to apply to the NAMMCO Internship Programme, click the link here. Background: My name is Sam Smith and I’m a marine biology masters graduate from the UK. I [...]
NASCO, the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation, has released a video about the International Year of the Salmon. This video was narrated by Sir David [...]
The NAMMCO Working Group on Harbour Porpoise meets this week at the Faroese Representation in Copenhagen. The Working Group will be under the chairmanship of Bjarni Mikkelsen (FO), and is [...]
NAMMCO, in association with the University of Tromsø, recently organised a symposium for MSc and PhD candidates working with marine mammals. The event brought together not only biologists but Law [...]
The report of the 25th meeting of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee is now available on the NAMMCO website. Between the 13th and 16th of November, NAMMCO’s Scientific Committee met aboard the [...]
The 25th meeting of the NAMMCO Scientific Committee concluded on Friday afternoon with the review and acceptance of the draft report. The meeting was held aboard the MS Polarlys from Bergen to [...]