September 17 2018: Volume 11
We have started working on volume 11 of the NAMMCO Scientific Publications series, and the first paper (Abundance of Whales in West and East Greenland in Summer 2015) is in the final stages of [...]
September 13, 2018: Another intern joins the NAMMCO Secretariat
Samuel Smith is a British Masters Graduate from Nottinghamshire, England. He completed his Joint Honours MSci in Marine Biology and Zoology at Bangor University’s School of Ocean Science, Wales. [...]
September 12 2018: The report from the AEWG in May is now available
The aim of the Working Group was to consider abundance estimates of cetaceans in the North Atlantic, particularly from the most recent NASS in 2015, but also from previous and more recent [...]
September 3, 2018: NAMMCO is now on Twitter!
NAMMCO is now on Twitter! Please follow us: @NAMMCO_sec