Committee on Inspection and Observation meetings

Here you will find the meeting documents of past and upcoming meetings of the Committee on Inspection and Observation (CIO). Some of these documents require a password for access.

Reports are found here.

17 February 2025


Working documents (password protected)

19 May 2022

01-CHM_CIO_BYCELS_ annotated agenda 

10-11 February 2022 – online meeting

01-CIO annotated agenda

26 November 2020 – online meeting

01 Draft annotated agenda and list of documents

02 Section A including appendix

03 Background to the development of Section A

6 – 8 October 2020 – online meeting

01 Draft annotated agenda

02 List of documents

03 Annual Data Reporting – working document

04 Proposal for Observation activities 2021 – working document

05 Overview hunts and hunts observed 1998-2017

06 Overview of recommendations – working document 

3 April 2020 – online meeting

01 Draft agenda

9 February 2020, Directorate of Fisheries, Hafnafjørður, Iceland

Meeting documents

01 Draft annotated agenda

01rev Draft annotated agenda

02 List of documents

03 Annual data reporting to be circulated at the meeting

04 Provisions Observation Scheme, Section B

05 Review of Observation Scheme

06 Overview Hunts and Hunts Observed 1998-2017

MC-05 Overview recommendations for conservation and management

CHM-2020-01/07 Overview of CHM recommendations

16 January 2020 – online meeting

Draft programme for the observer training course February 2020

Draft agenda

  1. Welcome and adoption of agenda
  2. Participants – observers + others – identify who will come
  3. Practicalities: venue, travel, hotel etc
  4. Draft programme – discuss and finalise programme
  5. Distribution of tasks for members
  6. AOB

28 November 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

The CIO met at the Greenland Representation 28 November 2018.

The report can be found here. Appendices 2 and 3 are both working papers and will be public when finalised.

Meeting documents

01-NAMMCO-CIO-2018-02: Draft annotated agenda

02-NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02: Review of the Observation Scheme with appendices in pdf – working paper

03-NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02: Overview-of-national-inspections


16 February 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

The CIO met at the Faroese Representation.

The report can be found here.

Meeting documents

NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02-01 Annotated agenda

NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02/02 Review of the Observation Scheme – NB working document

NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02/03 Secretariat’s report from the 2017 season.

NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02/04 Observer report

NAMMCO/CIO-2018-02/05 Observation scheme 2018 –  redrawn, to be discussed in the meeting


Report from the last meeting 21 February 2017

Provisions of the Joint NAMMCO Control Scheme

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