Expert group meetings

Here you will find the documents of past and upcoming Hunting Methods Expert Group meetings. Reports from the meetings can be found here.

4-6 November 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

The meeting reviewed and evaluated whale killing data from Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Japan, Canada and the USA. It also considered information on recent and ongoing research on improvements and technical innovations in hunting methods and gears used in the hunts. Protocols for collection of TTD data for hunts with deck mounted harpoon guns and statistical analyses of TTD in whaling operations were presented. The meeting resulted in both general and hunt specific recommendations. Read the report here.

This was the second expert group meeting to assess large whale killing data. The first held 17 – 18 February 2010 in Copenhagen, Denmark reviewed data from NAMMCO member countries and Japan. Read the report here.

Meeting Documents

1 TTD 4-6 November 2015

2 Program

3 List of Documents

4 List of Participants

5 Terms of Reference

6 Protocol Collection of TTD Data in Whaling

7 Protocol TTD Analyse

8 Norwegian Minke Whale Hunt

9 Icelandic Minke Whale Hunt

10 Icelandic Fin Whale Hunt

11 TTD in Greenlandic Large Whale Hunts

12 Canada Bowhead Whaling

13 Japan Large Whale Hunts

14 Makah Grey Whale Hunt

16 Makah Training Programme

17 Report Nammco 2010 Assessment Meeting

18 Nammco Hunting Manual

19 Education and Traning

20 Joint Nammco Control Scheme

21 Monitoring

15-17 November 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark

Terms of reference for the Expert Group were to review and assess current hunting and killing methods for small cetaceans, to review and assess information on recent and ongoing research on improvements and technical innovations in hunting methods and gear used for hunting of small cetaceans, to review and assess time to death (TTD) data on the killing of small cetaceans, and to give recommendations with respect to possible improvements. Read the report here.

1 Program

2 List of Documents

3 List of Participants

4 Terms of Reference

5 Trials With New Whale Killing Equipment in Faroese Whaling

6 Killing Methods and Equipement in the Faroese Pilot Whale Hunt

7 Information From the Faroe Island to the Expert Meeting Small Cetacans

8 Brief Report on Japan Small Cetaceans

9 Canada Assessment of Subsistence Harvest of Narwhal

17-18 February 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark

Terms of reference for the Expert Group were to review and evaluate the whale killing data submitted to NAMMCO by Japan in 2009, as well as data and information on recent and ongoing research on improvements and technical innovations in hunting methods and gears used for the hunting of large whales in NAMMCO countries. The aim was to assess the presented whale killing data and give recommendations with respect to possible improvements. In addition to the data from Japan, Greenland, Iceland and Norway were asked to present data and information from their hunts of large whales. Read the report here.

1 Agenda

2 List of Documents

3 List of Participants

4 Terms of Reference


6 JARPNII Coastal

7 Dolphin

8 Report Norway

9 Electronic Monitioring Norway

10 Minke Whaling Iceland

24-26 February 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark

The expert group assessed different seal hunting methods within their contexts and addressed questions such as the use of specific hunting methods and equipment in particular settings, training requirements for hunters, control and monitoring of hunting methods, and research needs to improve the basis for further assessments. The expert group developed recommendations on best practices based on state of the art in sealing and identified where and how specific improvements could be made. Read the report here.

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